About Aetheria

Aetheria is my ode to the heavenly spirits of plants.

Although I have been a qualified herbalist for well over a decade and have lived and breathed natural health my entire life, I was late to the gardening game. My mother has always been a keen gardener and tried to instil that love into me but alas I was too impatient in my youth to appreciate the process and the slowness that gardening inevitably involved.

Then a few years ago I moved house and planned and planted out a medicinal herb garden and immediately fell in love. What I discovered was a whole different modality from the theoretical herbalism I had been taught and practised my whole life. The growing, the caring, the waiting, and most importantly the communion with the plants. Plants revealed themselves as more than just a collection of actions or phytochemicals. They showed their true selves to me, their personalities, their loves, their spirits.

After this epiphany my eyes were opened to the true magick of herbs and I began making my own tinctures from herbs I had either grown, foraged or organically sourced. An obsession was born and I have spent every last spare moment over the last two years growing, foraging, drying, formulating and lovingly making my own heart felt tinctures.

Aetheria tinctures are made from scratch by hand in small intimate batches. Each tincture is made from either lovingly home grown, sustainably foraged or organic herbs. The tinctures pay homage to the beauty of waiting, of slowness and of patience as they are macerated for a full lunar cycle to harness the full physical and spiritual powers of the plant.

Currently about 30% of the herbs used are foraged or grown by me. In the spirit of slowness, I am waiting on more herbs to come to fruition for harvest so in the coming months, this will increase.

I hope you love them as much as I have loved making them.

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