What is slow herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine has a beautiful and long history.

A history of honouring all aspects of the herbs - their taste, their energetics, their personalities, their spirits. A history of taking the time to cultivate and commune with the plants. A history of herbs waiting in the dark for their time to shine. A history of creating beautiful rituals for their use.

Slow herbal medicine is a movement to bring back and respect the beauty and history of herbal medicine. To be curious, to embrace the art, the science and the spirit of herbs. Its about waiting for the right time to cultivate (where able), to harvest or to forage; its about the joy of a shelf of dried, macerating and consciously created tinctures. Its about creating rituals that honour the herb as a whole, its physical and its spiritual.

Its slow and purposeful herbal medicine.

Sometimes you have to look back to go forward.